Monday, June 20, 2011

What's for Dinner?--Salad Wraps with Honey Lemonade Dressing

One of our new favorite foods is salad wraps. We just fill whole wheat tortillas with one of our favorite salads and dressings. Tonight was simpler with brown rice, garbanzo beans, mixed sweet baby lettuces, alfalfa sprouts, and honey lemonade dressing.

Here is the dressing recipe:

Honey Lemonade Dressing

3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1-2 heaping Tbsp honey (up to 1/2 cup to taste)
1 lemon (peeled) (or juiced)
1/2 tsp sea salt (or less)

Blend in blender until smooth. (The olive oil and the peeled lemon add a hint of bitter to the dressing. It's still really delicious, but I'm thinking of trying it with grape seed oil, which is milder, and with a juiced lemon instead of a peeled one, but I've read that lemon rind and lemon are great for fighting cancer.)

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